Best ways to start making money online with blogging and earn minimum of $1000 per month


Today I want to share with you Best ways to start making money online with blogging and earn minimum of $1000 per month, including the way that I recommend you start out with if you are a beginner.

Money, Money, Money!
Money makes the world go ‘round and if you have a website you are sitting on a paychecks

Let’s talk about Best ways to start making money online with blogging and earn minimum of $1000 per month.

Making money with a blog is possible and there are many proven ways to do it.

However, I should warn you that blogging is not a get rich quick scheme but if you do it right, you can potentially make thousands of dollars from your blog.

Best ways to start making money online

1. Affiliate Marketing

One of the best ways to start making money with your blog is through affiliate marketing.

If you’ve never heard of affiliate marketing before, basically what it is is a referral commission.

You can create a passive income stream with affiliate marketing (selling other people’s products through a unique link)

where you put affiliate links in your blog posts promoting a product/service.

Generally, all you have to do to start affiliate marketing is to sign up with an affiliate program like Amazon Associates, Click bank etc.

However, What I recommend that you do is for any product in your niche that you’re already using, loving and recommending

Go and see if that company has an affiliate program

It’s very easy to make $1000 dollars or more with affiliate marketing.

2. Monetize with CPC or CPM Ads

This is the most common way for new bloggers and the easiest way to start monetizing your site.

You sign up for Google Adsense, and they will place banners on your blog so everytime someone clicks on that ad banner, you get paid.

It can take longer to reach $1000 with ads depending on your blog’s traffic.

3. Start selling ebooks

Ebooks are very simple to write and produce. Once you have some experience working one-on-one with people, you can package up your methods into a product.

However, If you do not have the time to create an ebook, you can pay someone over at Fiverr to do it for you.

An ebook can be 10 pages but it must be packed with tons of value for the reader.

Once you’re done creating the ebook, you can head over to a free site called Canvamy eBook corver etc. where you can create an awesome ebook cover.

4. Sell Online Courses

Another great way to make $1000 blogging is by creating an online course.

In fact, you can make more money with a course than you would with an ebook. You don’t have to be an expert to create an online course

However, just like the ebook, you need to create quality and valuable content for your online course otherwise no one will buy it or come back if once bought.

5. Sponsored posts

This is when a company or brand will pay you a flat fee to review their product.

This is definitely what I would consider a supplementary income source.

I wouldn’t rely on it, but as you build your audience, you are going to start getting pitched sponsored post and over time the fee that you charge for these can become quite substantial.

So those are Best ways to start making money online with blogging and earn minimum of $1000 per month – which method are you going to be implementing in your business?

Let me know in the comments!

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